Excel & orkestra

The limits of Excel for your data processing

Your activity requires data processing, and you operate them in Excel. 

These treatments are at the heart of your activity and fully commit the proper conduct of your actions.

Although it is the most common solution for data processing, the XLS spreadsheet also has its “limits” when the context of use exceeds its capabilities and puts your business at risk. 

3 key figures

1 %

CAC 40 and SBF 120 companies affected

1 %

average error rate observed for all Excel processes 

1 %

average ROI after implementing Orkestra

What is Orkestra designed for?

Orkestra consolidates and automates all data processing initiated by the businesses. 

Orkestra erp Excel

Orkestra puts business data processing under the control of IS data governance. 

Real advantages over Excel

They optimize the use of business- related data initially in Excel