Data Platform business

The orkestra Data Platform facilitates and accelerates the production and distribution of data for business teams.

Data for businesses is generated in the form of Data Products integrating all knowledge information. 

Data Products circulate within and between business domains, under the control of use-cases governance.

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Key feature

Data Labeling by Design

Labeling data sets as soon as they are produced

In the increasing flow of dataset production, identification becomes essential. 

The Orkestra Data Platform automates this process by creating a codification for each dataset. 


Labeling each data set with a "label"

The label is inserted within the dataset, making unique, immutable and identifiable  

The label is the key to promoting the control, the quality and shearing of datasets 


tokenisation jeu de données

The label embeds the context of production and use

Each file streams automatically generate a « descriptive label »  

This label of metadata, a kind of a barre code, enables:  

  • Identify each integrated dataset 
  • Identify the datasets that potentially involved in their creation  

A labeled dataset is a traceable datatest

Every identifiable dataset is also traceable 


The Data platform Orkestra automatically provides data lineage capabilities for operational dataset.

illustration tracabilité

Our promise :

… and the data became a business

Data becomes a business

  • The business units are responsible and autonomous in the design, production and sharing data  
  • Businesses directly contribute to the creation and the dissemination of data knowledge 
  • Data is valued Trough concrete use cases

Governance aligned with use cases

  • Pragmatic, operational governance that expands with the use cases 

  • Which measures the data quality from a business perspective  

The Data platform Agile:

  • A data platform that integers an existing data information System and supports the progression of the use cases   
  • The Data, whatever its source, enters, circulates and is exposed very quickly  
  • It partners with the business to enable them to operate the data (Framework + Service offering) 


Concrete business benefits

Deployment of an IS Data Mesh

Rationalize management’s information system, improve business process and deploy data governance  

▶︎ Production of a set of data applications meeting business needs. 

▶︎ Business capabilities operated by Orkestra, in a generic way 

▶︎ Qualitative and quantitative gains (productivity, automation of low-value business tasks, ease of data interpretation, reduced risk, reduced non-quality) brought by Orkestra to these business capabilities.

▶︎ Data interpretability. The data platform offers four useful supports for data interpretation :  

  • the definition and content of the data itself (data cataloguing and dataset content),
  • a “backbone” data model enabling data to be put into a business context (business objects and relationships between objects)
  • the possibility of proposing “data products” for calculating and packaging data (dashboards, PowerPoint integration), 
  • knowledge of the production cycle of these various element 

What if we looked together on which business Use Case to produce your Data Products?

The Orkestra Data Platform distributes tagged datasets within your data IS

Business modules to manage the production, labeling, traceability, quality and distribution of data sets within the Data Platform

Set up your business processing rules

Data Manager module

The Data Manager module integrates all business rules and data production processes into Orkestra. 

Parameterization of global attribute catalogs: process, treatment, scope, typology (data type and format). 

Construction of label structure. 

Definition of management rules: allocation of Cycles, choice of additional attributes (part of a label grouping, must have a validity period, must have a distribution period, etc.). 

illustration Interface data fabrik

Run processes automatically

Run processes automatically

The Data Fabrik module enables you to launch and validate the production of data sets. 

 The user (“business”) can configure and schedule production according to the rhythm of the activity and determine the teams in charge of validating and distributing results. 

Validation is simplified thanks to the accessibility of data quality reports, facilitating approval and/or certification. 

Production incorporates output data labeling, facilitating communication between the various parties involved throughout the production process. 

Étiquetez les jeux de données

Module e-taq


Each file flow generates a “descriptive label”. This metadata label, a sort of “barcode”, enables: 

  • identify each integrated dataset; 
  • identify the datasets potentially involved in their creation.  

Datasets are never deleted, enabling 360° data lineage.

Labels are generated by the platform.  

Restitutions can be made with the latest data label(s), or with specific labels. (Budget applications, historical reconstitutions, ….) 

Share datasets


The Datashop portal is the best place to access and share business datasets. 

Its intuitive interface makes it easy to find and download datasets. 


Monitor data processing

MSO Module

The MSO module monitors processing to assess completeness and compliance. 

Business articles